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Leisure and activities

Leisure activities can be organised on site or nearby areas:

On site :

Canoeing, cycling, archery, picnics by the river.

The village 1km :

Tennis, Agricultural museum (opening times vary)

At 10 km :

Blanc aerodrome welcomes visitors, parachuting, sightseeing flights,Flying lessons and gliding.
Museums of Château Naillac and Henri de Monfreid.
The Brenne Regional National park and the portrait gallery of Poitou.
L'abbaye de Saint Savin, patrimoine de l’UNESCO

In a 50 km radius :

Visits to numerous castles and religious sites.

Aérodrome du Blanc: pilotage, baptême de l'air , vol à voile
Aérodrome du Blanc
Canoë sur l'Anglin
Canoë sur l'Anglin
Parachutisme au Blanc
Parachutisme au Blanc


Activity Observations Prix
Aeronautics Flying over the château and les étangs de la Brenne To negotiate in accordance with time
Canoeing A downhill walk from the castle to the pretty banks of the river Anglin. depending renter's rates
Cycling Trails on roads and paths - discover the Berrichone countryside 10 €/person
Picnics Choose from two baskets made up from quality country products - either meat or fish basket 25 €/person
Tennis In the village subject to availability free